Chasing Honor (The Next Generation Book 2) Page 8
After Carson there had been only a handful. Partly because I was a full-time, single dad, but mostly because I was the dad of a girl. My conscience wouldn’t allow me to take a woman home under false pretenses or promises of more. I was crystal clear about what I’d wanted and needed and hardly ever approached a woman. If they were interested and came to me, we’d talk. But none of those women brought me to my knees. None of them had called to me on a deeper level. Honor checked all the boxes. Made me feel things I’d long ago set aside. I was connected to her in a way that was unexplainable.
I adjusted my cock in my shorts and wondered if I had time to run upstairs and take care of it before breakfast was ready. I could leave the girls to make breakfast and go take a shower. There was no doubt it would only take a few strokes of my hand while images from last night played in my mind; I’d finish in minutes. Remembering Honor panting under me was not helping the ache. Abandoning the coffee machine, I headed for the stairs, taking two at a time, I rushed into my room.
I pressed my forehead against the cool wood on the back of my closed door. After a moment, while I was questioning my sanity, a knock sounded.
“Ethan? We were wondering how many waffles you wanted.”
Without answering, I opened the door and pulled Honor through. After shutting and locking it I pressed her back against the wall, and my mouth covered hers. What the hell was I doing kissing her without her permission? I didn’t need to worry, though, her arms quickly snaked around my neck, her fingers dove into my hair, and she returned the kiss with the same desperation.
I broke the kiss and the silence stretched between us, neither of us needing to communicate verbally. Our bodies were still connected from chest to knees and the current jumping between us was more than enough.
“Sorry I fell asleep on you last night,” she finally spoke.
“Don’t be.”
“I was so relaxed I couldn’t keep my eyes open. You wore me out.”
“Glad to help.”
“By the cocky grin on your face, I gather you’re happy with yourself.”
“You have no idea how happy.”
“Me, too.” She closed the distance and touched her lips to mine. “Breakfast? How many waffles?”
“Surprise me.”
“Are you hungry?”
“I’m hungry,” I told her. “I’ll be down as soon as I take care of this.” I pressed my hard-on against her stomach.
“Wish I could help you take care of that.” Her eyes went soft, and she pushed against me.
“There’s no doubt you’ll be helping.” I lowered my mouth to her neck, licking my way up to her ear. “I’m gonna jerk off thinking about your beautiful tits. And when I come I’ll be remembering what it felt like being inside of you. Your moans, the look on your face when you orgasmed, how good your pussy felt, how tight and wet. It may be my hand stroking myself, but it will be you that owns my orgasm.”
“You can’t say that to me and expect me to go down and make breakfast.”
“All day, I want you thinking about me touching myself. Every time you look at me you’ll know you drive me so fucking crazy I had to come up here and beat my cock into submission because you make me so goddamn hard I can’t see straight. You do this to me, smalls. Only you. No one else—ever.”
“Right here, Honor.”
“You drive me crazy, too. I know it’s too soon, but I think I’m falling for you. I just thought you should know.”
My heart did a funny flip-flop in my chest. I loved how open and honest she was. I didn’t want to play games and keep secrets between us. I needed honesty.
“Me, too. There’s no such thing as too soon. We go at our own pace,” I assured her.
“Okay.” She nodded.
“Honor?” Carson shouted.
“Coming,” she yelled back. “Duty calls, handsome. Hurry up and come . . . downstairs.”
She gave me a shove and winked before she walked out of my bedroom.
I beelined it to the shower and promptly took my dick in hand. Just as I thought, it had taken not even a dozen hard pulls before I was exploding.
I heard the voices before I hit the bottom steps.
“Daddy! Gran and Pop came for breakfast. They brought donuts.”
“I can see, Squirt.”
It took me a moment to digest what I was seeing. Honor, Carson, and my mom were in the kitchen. Carson was standing on a chair mixing waffle batter, my mom and Honor were watching her and smiling. My dad was sitting at the table, coffee in hand.
“Morning,” I said to him as I passed the table in need of my own cuppa joe. “Good morning, Mom.” I kissed the top of her head then poured my morning pick-me-up. “Smells good,” I told Carson and, without thinking, I kissed Honor as I passed.
Three pairs of eyes bugged out. My mom was the first to recover. Her smile told me she approved, which should’ve put me at ease, but didn’t. I had fucked up big time, kissing Honor in front of Carson.
“The next batch ready, darlin’?” Honor asked Carson, ignoring the gigantic elephant in the room.
“Almost,” Carson answered, giving the batter another fast beating with the whisk. “Now it's done.” She pushed the bowl toward Honor.
“Great job. Why don’t you go set the table?” Carson jumped off the chair and went about grabbing the plates someone had already set out on the counter. Then Honor turned to me. “Go. Enjoy your coffee with your dad. Your mom and I will finish up.”
Not believing it was possible, my mom’s smile got bigger with every order Honor doled out.
“Are you trying to tell me I’m in the way?”
“Copy that, smalls.”
My ass hadn’t even warmed the chair before my dad tore his gaze away from the women bustling around the kitchen and leveled one of his legendary “Dad Glares” at me. Carter and I had coined the look as legendary by the time we were teenagers. One glance and we’d spill our guts. It was good to know, at twenty-four, the look still worked; I was ready to tell him all my secrets.
“Glad to see you lowered the shield, son.”
What could I say to that? If I denied it, he’d know I was lying in a red-hot-second. If I confirmed, he’d circle the waters like a shark and start asking questions I didn’t have the answers to. I knew my dad wanted what was best for me. He’d always told Carter and me he wanted nothing more than for us to find good women.
“Daddy? Gran said I could go over and swim later. Is that okay with you?”
Normally, Carson and I would veg out in the house on Sunday mornings—just the two of us. Weekends were precious to me, I got to have my daughter’s undivided attention. But for the first time, I wanted someone else’s attention—undivided and uninterrupted.
“Sure, Squirt.”
“Really? I can go?” Carson threw her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. “Thanks. You’re the best, most wonderful dad in the world.”
“All that because I said yes, to swimming?” My dad and I chuckled.
“Breakfast,” my mom announced bringing over a plate stacked tall with piping hot waffles. My dad stood and took the plate from my mom, setting it in the middle of the table. I followed suit when Honor approached, taking the syrup and butter from her.
“You sit next to Daddy,” Carson told Honor.
In a moment of disbelief, I stared at Carson. She always, and I mean always, insisted she got the chair next to mine. Even when her favorite uncle, Carter, was in town, she still favored me.
I pulled out the chair for Honor to sit, and Carson took the chair at the end of the table on the other side of Honor.
“Thanks,” Honor mumbled and sat.
“Everything looks great. I’m happy to see my son and granddaughter are no longer starving,” my dad said.
“Lenox,” my mom scolded.
“What? I didn’t know it was a secret Ethan’s a crappy cook.”
“Hush,” my mom tried again.
“You don’t have to worry, Pop. Honor is teaching me to cook. We made meatballs and a roast and baked chicken. She even taught me how to make homemade pizza,” Carson told him.
“Is that right?” My dad looked across the table at me and realized there’d been more going on than just the kiss he’d witnessed.
Honor was now a part of our daily lives. We ate dinner together every night, the girls took pictures together, and Honor helped Carson with her reading homework. There hadn’t been a day since she’d moved in that she wasn’t involved in some way.
“Carter is in town next week,” my mom reminded me.
“I know, I spoke to him yesterday.”
“We’re having a barbeque next weekend, the whole family,” she continued.
“Yippy. Uncle Carter and the cousins.” Carson clapped her hands.
“You’ll be there, too, won’t you, Honor?” My mom took a bite of her waffle as if she hadn’t just dropped a bomb.
“Yeah, Honor, you have to! Everyone will be there. It’s so much fun.”
“I don’t want to intrude,” Honor told my mom.
“Nonsense,” my dad cut in. “You’re welcome anytime.”
“See? Please. Pretty please, with a cherry on top. I want you to meet my Uncle Carter.”
“Carson,” I tried to dial back the begging.
“What, Daddy? I’m just asking.”
“No, you’re pestering. Honor may have plans or have to work,” I told her.
“Do you?” Carson turned to Honor. “You don’t have to work, right?”
Honor was fidgeting in her seat. I reached under the table and grabbed her hand, squeezing it before I place it on my thigh and covered it with mine.
“Thank you, Mrs. Lenox. I’d love to come.”
“Please call me Lily. It will be wonderful to have you there.”
“Yay. Yay. Yay. Now I get to show Honor off to the uncles.”
“Honor’s not a pony, Carson.” She jerked back in confusion. “Saying you’re going to show her off is kinda rude.”
Without missing a beat Honor pulled Carson into a hug and snuggled her. “Nothing to be sorry for. I’m honored you want to show me off, darlin’ but I’ll need you to make a list of everyone for me. There are too many people for me to remember.”
“We’ll practice all week. We’ll start with Uncle Jasper and Aunt Emily. They have most of the cousins.” Carson went on to tell Honor all about “the cousins,” as she called them.
By the time breakfast was over, I was ready to be alone with Honor. My dad laughed and caught on quickly when I told my mom not to clean the kitchen and tried to rush them out the door. Carson, of course, took no urging. She was ready and dancing around the door two seconds after she’d swallowed the last bite of her waffle, completely abandoning the donuts my mom and dad had brought.
“Thank you for breakfast, Honor.” My dad clapped his meaty hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
“Yes, thank you. It was wonderful getting to know you.” My mom, being the hugger in the family, pulled an unwitting Honor into her embrace.
“Thank you for your help. Glad you stopped by.” Then shyly she added. “Maybe we can do it again.”
“We’d love that, right, Lenox?”
“Right.” Once again, I got the look and I knew he smelled blood.
Well, damn, so much for keeping Honor to myself. Uncles Levi, Clark, and Jasper would know about her within the hour. I swear to Christ they’re worse gossips than teenage girls. Once my uncles knew, my aunts would know shortly thereafter. And that meant, they’d converge on my house like vultures circling their prey, trying to gather any morsel of information they could.
The three of them piled into my dad’s truck, and I slammed the front door.
“I thought they’d never leave.”
“Ethan!” Honor giggled. “That’s mean.”
“Smalls, I need you naked. Now.”
“Your bed or mine,” she asked.
“Race you.” She took off toward the stairs. I caught her around the waist and tried to stall her. But she wiggled her way out and, before I could reach for her again, she ripped her T-shirt over her head and tossed it at my face.
“So it’s gonna be like that, huh?”
“Like what?” she asked, halfway up the stairs.
“Resorting to cheating.”
“If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying hard enough.” She unclipped her bra and threw that at me as well.
“Keep teasing me, Honor, and you’ll pay for it later.”
I jogged up the stairs and found her standing next to my bed pulling off her panties.
“I win,” she proudly announced.
“No, smalls. I win.”
“But I got here first,” she pouted.
“You did,” I confirmed and quickly undressed.
“Then how did you win?” She put her hands on her hips and stood there, gloriously fucking naked, giving me attitude.
“Bend over the bed, and I’ll show you how I’m the clear winner.”
She did as I asked, and I dropped to my knees behind her and without waiting, I licked her from clit to slit.
“Ethan,” she moaned.
With my tongue in her pussy I couldn’t answer. When her ass started pushing back I stood. There would be a time when I’d make her come in my mouth and by my hand, but I was greedy and wanted to feel her orgasms around my cock right now.
“You taste so fucking good,” I told her and rubbed the head of my cock around her opening. She shoved back, spearing herself, my fist holding my shaft stopping her from sliding any farther.
“Honor.” I panted, her heat surrounding my bare flesh. “Don’t move.”
“Please.” She squirmed and started to pull back before sliding back to my fist.
“I have to get a condom,” I tried to reason with her.
“IUD. We’re protected.”
She continued to slide herself up and down my cock, only having a few inches to play with.
“Get one if you want, but we’re protected. I promise.”
“I’ve never . . .” I could barely form a rational thought she felt so good. “Without a condom.”
“Me either. I want it. I want to feel you.”
Fuck it. I pulled my hand away as she shoved back, and she took my length in a single push of her hips.
“Christ,” I shouted and gripped her hips. “You’re so fucking hot without the barrier. I can feel everything.” Honor’s body was still, and I could hear a hitch in her breathing. “You okay?
“Holy shit. I wasn’t expecting you to move your hand. You’re . . .”
“I’m what? Am I hurting you?” I started to pull out.
“No. I’m stretched, and you’re really deep this way. It feels so good.”
It probably made me some kind of freak, but I leaned back a little so I could see my uncovered cock sliding in and out of her. I was playing a dangerous game watching; each time I pulled out and saw my dick oiled with her excitement, drove me closer to coming. The sight and the new sensation of fucking her bare had me light-headed. There was no way I was going to last this way.
“You feel incredible,” I told her.
“So do you. Please move.”
“I am,” I said, slowing thrusting in.
“Faster. Fuck me.”
Her words sent chills over my body.
“Goddamn, Honor!” I moaned. “I can’t. I’m gonna come.”
“Harder,” she pleaded.
“Reach down and rub your clit.” Her hand moved, and so did mine. If I couldn’t see her touching herself I wanted to feel it. With both our fingers on her clit it felt a little dirty and a whole lot intimate. “Holy fuck, smalls. That’s so hot.”
“You feel so, so, good, Ethan.”
I placed my hand back on her hip and started to quick
en my pace. She pushed back as I shoved forward. We were in a perfect rhythm, our bodies moving as one. Heat started in my balls and rushed up my spine.
“Oh, God,” she moaned and started to tighten around my cock. I had to close my eyes and will myself not to explode.
“Hurry, Honor. I’m close. I can’t stop it, you’re so fucking tight around my cock. Nothing better. Slick and wet and hot.”
Holy fuck, it was too much.
“I’m gonna—” she didn’t finish her sentence, instead she groaned and shook. Her pussy clamped around my cock before her inner muscles spasmed.
“Honor,” I shouted. “Shit. So fucking good. I’m gonna come inside of you. Jesus.” I knew I wasn’t making any sense, my thoughts a jumbled mess as my orgasm broke free and every muscle in my body tightened. I wasn’t lying when I told her there was nothing better. I’d never had an orgasm leave me paralyzed. I couldn’t move as come shot out of my cock, filling her until she was overflowing and our combined juices were dripping down my balls onto the floor. If she hadn’t already drained me, the thought of that alone would’ve made me come.
“Holy shit,” she slurred. I shouldn’t have been so smug, but I loved how breathy and satisfied she sounded. “I wanna do it that way again. It was hot.”
“The view of your ass is stellar,” I told her. Instead of trying to cover herself or shying away like some would do, she wiggled, forcing more come to spill out.
“Glad you think so. The only bad part is I can’t see and touch you. But your dick makes up for it.”
I was so shocked by her statement I couldn’t stop the bark of laughter.
“Happy my dick could be of service.” I chuckled.
“I don’t know that I’d call it service so much as pleasure.”
I pulled out, and the panic started.
I had not only fucked Honor without a condom but didn’t ever bother to pull out. Not that the pull and pray method was reliable, but at least it would have been something. But, no, I’d buried myself and let go without thought.
Honor couldn’t get pregnant. I wouldn’t survive if she wanted to give our baby away or worse, left me and took it with her.